Saturday, 5 May 2018

प्रिय संथापक आपलोग ऐसे एजेंटो से सावधान हो जाये एवं विश्वसनीय के साथ ही काम करे|Dear Founder, beware of such agents and work with the credible

प्रिय संथापक आपलोग ऐसे एजेंटो से सावधान हो जाये एवं विश्वसनीय के साथ ही काम करे :-

प्रिय संस्थापक आपलोग सही से सोच समझकर शिक्षा क्षेत्र में काम करे क्योकि बहुत सारे उल्लू बन जाते है या प्रतिलिपि में फस जाते है अनोळखी बोर्ड और  यूनिवर्सिटी से जो निम्नलिखित है  .....जोकि केवल प्राइवेट सेक्टर में ही प्रयोग कर सकते है या गोवेर्मेंट में आपके भाग्य पर निश्चित होगी मेरे तरफ से प्राइवेट सेक्टर के लिए ही प्रस्ताव रहेगी ये वास्तव में किसी गरीब प्राइवेट नौकरिया लड़की/लड़का के शादी के लिए उचित होगी .....
Dear Founders, you should think rightly and work in the education field because a lot of Owls are formed or duplicated in the copy, from unrecognized board and university, which is the following....which can be used only in the private sector or your fate will be decided on your fate in the Govt. Only the proposal for the private sector will be in fact it is actually a poor private job girl / boy Would be appropriate for marriage......
यहाँ पर महत्वपूर्ण लिंक दे रहा हु की आप ओरिजिनल एंड डुबलीकेट जाँच सके, Here's the important link here that you could check the original and duplicate..
 अभी मार्किट में केवल १०%  से २०ही लोग इस लाइन में सही काम करने वाले है नहीं तो ८०से  ९०फेक वर्क करते है इसलिए सावधान रहे ....

जो आपसे पैसा ठगने के लिए सस्ते में काम करने का लालच देता हो ...और पैसा लेकर रफ्फू चक्कर हो जायेगा हो सकता है एक सेशन आपका काम करके दूसरे सेशन में आपका मोटा पैसा लेकर भागे ....
. (a) अभी बहुत से लोग आपसे मीठा मीठा बात करके प्रवेश ले लेंगे  और बाद में अपना  दुखड़ा गाने लगेंगे और काम वाला पैसा अपने फॅमिली के लिए प्रयोग कर लेते है ....और कम से कम 5भी काम करके नहीं देते  .......और आप उनके घर से भी नहीं ले पाएंगे क्योकि उसके कोई बेस ही  नहीं होता वो तो ठगने की लिए ही आते है..... (b) टेलीफोनिक काम करने वाले या ऑनलाइन काम करने वाले पर भरोसा  करे पहले आप ऑफिस जांच पड़ताल कर ले की वाकिब में है या फूल बना रहा और कोई बेस इसका नहीं है क्योकि वेबसाइट और मोबाइल नोतुरत change हो जा सकती या बंद कर सकता है
बिना कागजात हाथ में आये हुए विधार्थी का कही से फॉर्म्स नहीं भरवाए नहीं तो आप मुसीबत एवं पैसा के दुगने लोस्स में जा सकते है ...
जो काम निर्धारित समय से पहले देने का दावा करता हो ....क्योकि वो कही से प्रिंटआउट देगा और निओस सीबीएसई का भी मार्क कार्ड प्रिंट मार्किट से  होती है इसलिए एक बार जरूर जांच ले ...नहीं तो जेल हो सकती है विधार्थी  को....

अगर कोई पहली बार आपको धोखा देता है  तो  यह उसकी गलती हैऔर वही व्यक्ति दुबारा  आपको धोखा दे  तो आपकी गलती है  ...

अभी बहुत से लोग एजुकेशनल लाइन को पैसा पैदा करने का मशीन समझ चुके है लेकिन बाद में लेकर भाग जाते है ....

श्रीमान/श्रीमति  मेरे यहाँ से केवल मार्क कार्ड तक ही मदद मिलेगी और  माइग्रेशनप्रोविशनल एंड डिग्री के लिए डिमांड ड्राफ्ट के साथ विधार्थी को सवयं विश्वविधालय से लाना होगा ...  और एक बार सवयं विश्वविधालय जरूर जाये नहीं तो इस समय ८०% -९०%  एजेंट बाजार से प्रिंटआउट कर देते है और फेक होता है ...

आप लोगो से आग्रह है की आपलोग सभी विधार्थी की  हार्ड कॉपी मिलते ही सभी वेरीफाई  कर ले  माइग्रेशनप्रोविशनल एंड डिग्री के लिए aaply  कर दे  otherwise भविष्य की मेरे द्वारा कोई गारंटी नहीं रहेगी की काया होगा ...किसके साथ ....
विनम्र निवेदन मेरा अभिप्राय ये था की आप लोगो को सावधान करने को ऐसे लोगो से  इसलिए आपलोगो से विनम्र निवेदन है की आपलोग पुराने और विश्वशनीय लोगो के साथ ही काम करे थोड़ा महंगा पड़ेगा लेकिन सुद्धा एवं दोबारे एवं तिवरा फीस नहीं भरनी पड़ेगी न्य प्रवेश जैसा ....पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद
Special Guideline For Educational Line & Be Alert:-
1. Only 10% to 20% of people in the market are going to do the right thing in this line, otherwise 80% to 90% of the work picks up, so be careful....

2. who lure you to work cheap to cheat money ... and the money will be rounded by taking more money. One session can do your work by taking your fat money in the second session......and Don't Get Into The Cheap Things, You May Be Trapped Or Cheated Because More Than 80%-90% In Education Sector are Cheaters....

3. (a) Many people will accept you sweetly and then you will begin to sing their sad songs and use them for their family ... and at least 50% do not even work. ..... and you will not be able to take them from their house because there is no base for them, they come only to cheat ...
. (b) And do not trust the telephonic worker or the online working person. Before you check office inquiries or flowers, there is no base because the website and mobile no. Quick change or stop

4. without having documents in hand , please don’t apply for any kinds of jobs . Sometimes documents may be delayed from universities. so , we are not responsible for your faith in us because we too dependent on universities updates .

5. The claim that the work is done before the scheduled time .... because she will print out from the same and the mark card of the Neos CBSE also comes from the print market, so check for sure at a time ... otherwise the jailer may be arrested. ....

6. If Some Betray You, It's His Fault,& Same Person Betray You For 2nd Time Then It's Your Fault...

7. Many people have understood the educational line as a money generating machine but later they run away ....

8. Sir/Mam, only my mark card will be available from here, and with the demand draft for migration, provisional and degree, the student will have to bring from the University ... and once all the universities do not go, 80% -9 0% agents at this time Print out the market and throw it ...

9. You are urging/Requesting the people that if you get all the hard copy of the student Documents, after getting all the verification, you will be able to do apply for migration, provisional and degree. Otherwise, there will be no guarantees of future that will be done ... with whom ....
Special Request:-  I meant that you have been kindly requesting people to warn people about this type of logic that you will work with old and trusted people, it will be a bit costly, but you will not have to pay any further and trivial fees like new admission like ... Thank you for reading.